Explore The Changing Landscape Of Education With The EduFest WA Professional Learning Days.
The EduFest WA Professional Learning Days have been designed to empower local educators to create innovative learning experiences for their students that help them develop the work capabilities required to thrive in the future of work.
Each one day professional learning event will see attendees participating in a hands on workshop, as they hear from inspiring speakers, showcase their ideas, and build sustainable partnerships with industry and the broader community. Working collaboratively with colleagues across sectors, attendees will be working to redesign curriculum, create impactful initiatives for their community, and craft innovative learning experiences for their students.
As we work to prepare students with the skillsets and mindsets required to thrive in an ever changing future of work, the EduFest WA Professional Learning Days are designed to help attendees explore how they can help their students develop the following work capabilities in innovative and engaging ways:
Problem Solving

Digital Confidence